Weeknotes - Week of May the 4th, 2020

Learning some algorithms from the MIT lectures

Weeknotes - Week of May 4th, 2020

May the 4th be with you!

Week before last was pretty bad due to a variety of reasons, so I missed the weeknote. Last week was relatively better so back on track with weeknotes. Lets go ahead:

  1. Continuing ahead with diving into database storage systems in the DDIA book. LSM Trees and B-Trees.
  2. Saw MIT lectures on Binary Search Trees and self-balancing AVL Trees. AVL Trees are pretty cool.
  3. Implemented BSTs in Python.
  4. Halfway through Stephen Spielberg’s Filmography. Highlight so far: Indiana Jones!
  5. Running: a few ~4.something Kilometer runs, but slowly increasing pace.
  6. Met a few friends in the local park. Berlin’s public life is almost back to normal and parks in the evening are pretty great.
  7. Nothing new in food. Mostly mix veggies, dal and some good ol’ pasta.
  8. Joined an online meetup for Distributed Systems, and presented a quick overview of the GFS file system.